Tradiciones Crueles


AnimaNaturalis denounces bullfight in Salamanca for endangering public health

Salamanca, España. AnimaNaturalis and CAS International have filed a complaint with the sub-delegation of the Government of Castilla y León in Soria for a bullfighting contest that was held at the beginning of August in the Plaza de Toros La Glorieta de Salamanca, in which the measures were violated prevention against COVID-19.

Jueves 27 de agosto de 2020

Government stops offering specific support to bullfighting

Madrid, España. Uribes maintains the position of not granting any specific aid to bullfighting and has pointed out the City Councils and the Autonomous Communities as the administrations in charge of mitigating the financial losses of the sector.

Miércoles 10 de junio de 2020

Bullfighting fall 63% in Spain since 2007

Madrid, España. Bullfighting follows an unstoppable drop in all its forms: from bullfights to village festivals, which decreased by 5% over the previous year. Paradoxically, the number of registered professionals in bullfighting has increased, reaching 9,993, the highest number ever recorded.

Lunes 8 de junio de 2020

No bailout for bullfighting!

Madrid, España. All bullfights scheduled for March, April and May have been canceled. Pamplona, Valencia, Castellón, Madrid, Seville, Murcia… There are already more than 200 bullfights affected and 1,684 blood fiestas canceled.

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